Brave Nine - Tactical RPG游戏截图
Brave Nine - Tactical RPG游戏截图
Brave Nine - Tactical RPG游戏截图
Brave Nine - Tactical RPG游戏截图
Brave Nine - Tactical RPG游戏截图
Brave Nine - Tactical RPG游戏截图
Brave Nine - Tactical RPG游戏截图
Brave Nine - Tactical RPG游戏截图
Brave Nine - Tactical RPG

Brave Nine - Tactical RPG

6.1 万


简介'Templars', a group of elite Mercenaries who weild the sword bestowed upon them by Demi-goddess Eda is here! - Blade of Phantom 'Sura' - Blade of Silence 'Enma' - Blade of Dimension 'Kumari' A story of the 7 heroes who paid with their precious emotions in order to obtain the power of the Holy Swords will begin. ■[Origin Server Only] Grow once more with a brand new Jump-Start Quest renewed for 2022! Collect 4 Legend Mercenaries at Skill Level +9 without waiting, all at once! Legend Skill Book, Legend Companion Gift Selection, and 5 Stars Companion Selection Ticket! Experience the essence of collector RPG with the Jump-Start Quest that came back stronger than ever! ■ The truth behind The Day of the Eclipse The Battle' where everything is at stake will begin! - On that day, I lost two fathers. Unfortunate Crown Prince who cannot reveal his identify after losing all of his followers. Can Adel prevent the schemes of connecting the path to the 'Night World'? - Will 'The Battle' end in a total destruction? NEW FEATURES ● Distinguish yourself in the World Arena while battling players from around the globe! ● Continue your adventure and flex your chess-like wit with new levels of Evil Castle! ● Customize your collection of heroes even further with all-new Companion units! CLASSIC FEATURES ● Battle players from around the world in real-time turn-based combat ● Master your tactics with more than 1400 stages and hundreds of unique units ● Complete bounties to unlock rewards and collect and upgrade powerful new heroes ● Construct your ultimate formation to defeat your opponents ● Explore chapters of engaging storyline to reveal a deep fantasy world with every episode ● Progress through multiple Arenas all the way to the top of the leaderboards ● Form a Guild to share strategies and build your very own community ● Challenge your Guildmates and friends to private duels ● Collect upgrade materials with ease using auto-deploy and repeat battles ● Learn formations from top players and cheer on your favorites in monthly Tournaments
《Brown Dust》(棕色尘埃)由韩国厂商NEOWIZ自主研发的一款回合制SLG手游。本身回合制SLG手游的受众不会太广,而《Brown Dust》不仅已经运营了一周年,甚至开拓了日服和即将到来的亚服市场,侧面也说明了其值得期待的游戏素质。
立绘和UI是一款游戏的门面,想吸引玩家的兴趣,精致的外观是必不可少的。相信有不少新入坑的玩家都是被宣传中可爱的小姐姐所吸引,同时本作高水准的Live 2D也为角色增色不少,最重要的是全员Live 2D,图鉴里直接可以查看,一本满足。而一目了然的界面UI也算是加分点,大部分外服游戏,玩家都需要面临语言不通的困境,在这种时候区分清晰,易于辨识的界面对语言苦手的部分玩家而言实在是福音。
游戏内容而言,首先要提的就是本作游戏类型是策略战棋,而游戏的大部分内容都与pvp有关,也就是俗称的强pvp游戏。但我觉得即使对于策略战棋无感,也可以单纯将本作当做普通的养成游戏游玩,立绘及其Live 2D的品质可以说是有目共睹。更为具体的游戏方式而言,我方一般会操控九名佣兵,但也有特殊的关卡会对角色数量做出限制,游戏内有四个职业,最高可以升星到六星。符文系统就是俗称的装备,一个人物可以装备2枚符文,理解起来还是很容易的。战斗前可以调整游戏角色的站位,出手顺序也可以及时调整,上手虽然容易但是机制却依旧可以深入研究,没有一招鲜吃遍天的阵容,只有最适合关卡的阵容,简单而不失深度。